Array ( [0] => 354 [ID] => 354 [1] => 1 [TYPEID] => 1 [2] => 3 [SECTIONID] => 3 [3] => caring-for-your-inkpads [MOD_NAME] => caring-for-your-inkpads [4] => Taking care of your Tsukineko Inkpads [TITLE] => Taking care of your Tsukineko Inkpads [5] => Tips on caring for your inkpads [META_TITLE] => Tips on caring for your inkpads [6] => Tips and techniques on how to keep your Tsukineko and Imagine ink pads in the best condition to get the most mileage out of your purchase. [META_DESCRIPTION] => Tips and techniques on how to keep your Tsukineko and Imagine ink pads in the best condition to get the most mileage out of your purchase. [7] => re-inking, re-inker, care, inner liners, un-inked ink pad [META_KEYWORDS] => re-inking, re-inker, care, inner liners, un-inked ink pad [8] => [BUTTON_TITLE] => [9] =>

[BODY] =>

[10] => [BODY_SIDE] => [11] => [MODULE_PROCESSING] => [12] => [MODULE_META] => [13] => [MODULE_HEAD] => [14] => [MODULE_BODY] => [15] => [MODULE_SIDE] => [16] => 0 [TOP_ORDER] => 0 [17] => 0 [HITS_UNIQUE] => 0 [18] => 0 [HITS_REPEAT] => 0 [19] => 0 [ROBOT_HITS] => 0 [20] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [LASTVIEWED] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [21] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [ROBOT_LASTVIEWED] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [22] => 0.00 [PRIORITY] => 0.00 [23] => 1 [SITEMAP] => 1 [24] => 1 [ACTIVE] => 1 [25] => 1 [DISPLAY_TITLE] => 1 [26] => 0 [SSL_MODE] => 0 [27] => 1 [EDITABLE] => 1 [28] => 1 [DELETABLE] => 1 [29] => 2017-10-31 09:22:43 [LASTUPDATED] => 2017-10-31 09:22:43 [30] => 2014-08-06 11:40:58 [CREATED] => 2014-08-06 11:40:58 )
Imagine Crafts

Taking care of your Tsukineko Inkpads

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